1-06-92..? *** Sebo- has left channel #Hunt Quiz master : 1st may 1992 ?? *** Copterr has left channel #hunt the channel is now moderated. *** Copterr (patalach@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt 1st may 1993 *** SeB0 (amiga@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "-m" on channel #hunt by Sofciknt 68060) 93-03-11 Aug 20 1995 ??? no moderate for channel ! 10-02-92 /msg me the your answer. whats the question? 22-07-9[@m[@ *** waitey has left channel #hunt whats the question? arm: thats my birthday =8*) THE FIRST TO ANSWER (PUBLICLY) WINS ONE AMINET CD. HUNT #1: TELL ME DATE AND TIME OF THE FIRST 'Recent uploads' TYPE POSTING. 1-06-91 ? *** NorthWay2 (borgen@hstud2.cs.UiT.No) has joined channel #hunt 1st may 1992 ?? U4ia: I'm born 22-07-71 :) no need to guess. 13-02-93 ? Aug 20 2001 ??? I want DATE AND TIME. 02-10-92 arm: 22-07-68 me =8*) 22-08-92 ??????? *** Quizmaste has been kicked off channel #hunt by Poncki (TIME???) hehe hehe 10-06-71 /me :) 23 june 1991 2 am bana ! *** Mode change "+o SeB0" on channel #hunt by Poncki U4ia: good day to born! :) *** Signoff: _c (EOF From client) 02-10-92 4pm. 13-march-1993 3pm 10-06-71 01:30pm *** Quizmaste (umueller@amiga.icu.net.ch) has joined channel #hunt 13-march-1993 3pm 12-jan-92 15pm oops :) *** __d (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o __d" on channel #hunt by Poncki 13-02-93 13:02 *** q (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o q" on channel #hunt by Poncki *** Mode change "+o Quizmaste" on channel #hunt by franzol *** case (case@seriald11.innotts.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt Umm, 1st May 1992? 1-jan-90 00:00 22-june-92 12:23 ? 23 june 1991 2 am 02-10-92 4:00pm zop: having fun? Quizmaste : 1.05.1992 4 pm. *** Signoff: _L00ser_ (Connection reset by peer) Quizmaster: Any help ? =) 12-june-91 13:03 * Casper_ things that one's hard. *** _L00ser_ (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o _L00ser_" on channel #hunt by Poncki thinks even. *** Mode change "+o _L00ser_" on channel #hunt by Poncki 23-dec-92 ? 1.06.93 12.00 1-03-93 9:32 ? *** _q (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o _q" on channel #hunt by Poncki /sc quizmaster without the time please .... that's not fair ... hehehehehehehe *** Signoff: Reodor (Killed (irc.nada.kth.se (irc.escape.com <- irc.mimuw.edu.pl))) 8-02-91 12:12 *** Gui (jsshephe@math.uwaterloo.ca) has joined channel #hunt *** stretch (stretch@bud.indirect.com) has joined channel #hunt 12-sep-91 21:23 ? *** arm has left channel #hunt ops HINT #1: THE POSTING CAN BE FOUND ON SOME USENET ARCHIVE SITES. *** Signoff: case (Killed (irc.nada.kth.se (irc.nijenrode.nl <- irc.escape.com))) 8-( About time! wow *** Signoff: _L00ser_ (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (_L00ser_[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) This sucks, we should be on ARCNet instead! *** Mode change "-ooo _q q __d" on channel #hunt by DarkOne *** Mode change "-o _d" on channel #hunt by DarkOne 11-may-92 7:12 *** Mode change "-o d" on channel #hunt by DarkOne *** Mode change "-o Brunerek" on channel #hunt by DarkOne *** Signoff: _q (Killed (irc.escape.com (*.sdsc.edu <- *.se[irc.nada.kth.se]))) What was the question? This sucks, we should be on ARCNet instead! *** Signoff: dzg (Leaving) *** Signoff: Troels_ (Killed (organ.ctr.columbia.edu (*.rutgers.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) *** Mode change "-o DarkOne" on channel #hunt by franzol * Casper_ wonders how we are supposed to know the answer. HUNT #1: TELL ME DATE AND TIME OF THE FIRST 'Recent uploads' TYPE POSTING. time will be 22 hours and something minutes 21-04-91 ?? HINT #1: IT CAN BE FOUND ON SOME USENET ARCHIVE SITES. *** _L00ser_ (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o _L00ser_" on channel #hunt by Poncki wwow *** Mode change "+o _L00ser_" on channel #hunt by Poncki *** __q (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o __q" on channel #hunt by franzol *** Mode change "+o __q" on channel #hunt by Poncki *** Signoff: audunv (EOF From client) whats the question again *** BadBoys (SKO0095@LVRULV11.lanet.lv) has joined channel #hunt *** U4ia has been kicked off channel #hunt by Poncki (not ur bussines) 12-06-92 22:45 ?????????????? HINT #2: THE FILE NAME STARTS WITH 'new-anon-ftp-site' CAsper change now *** Youreck (jxa@victoria.uci.agh.edu.pl) has joined channel #huntQuizz:January 1992 Quizz:January 1992 to CASPER If you wanna yet *** U4ia (ccjy@sun.cse.bris.ac.uk) has joined channel #hunt *** case (case@seriald11.innotts.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+l 68060" on channel #hunt by stork.doc.ic.ac.uk *** Signoff: case (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (*.sdsc.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) January 1992 is correct. *** Mode change "-l" on channel #hunt by Ponckint) but I want DATE AND TIME. Yeah Yeah Brunerek :-) szitr heh HUNT #1: TELL ME DATE AND TIME OF THE FIRST 'Recent uploads' TYPE POSTING. bumssss Bye gys HINT #1: IT CAN BE FOUND ON SOME USENET ARCHIVE SITES. *** Mode change "+l 68060" on channel #hunt by irc.colorado.edulnt 68060) *** Mode change "-l" on channel #hunt by Ponckint) *** BadBoys is now known as Forrest_G HINT #2: THE FILE NAME STARTS WITH 'new-anon-ftp-site' *** Signoff: NoseyNick (Killed (dismayl.demon.co.uk (stork.doc.ic.ac.uk <- stork.doc.ic.ac.uk))) *** Mode change "-n" on channel #hunt by Ponckit) *** Troels_ (Troels@uit-or9.Uit.No) has joined channel #hunt New-anon-ftp-site-amiga-physik-unizh-ch.z New-anon-ftp-site-amiga-physik-unizh-ch.z New-anon-ftp-site-amiga-physik-unizh-ch.z New-anon-ftp-site-amiga-physik-unizh-ch.z New-anon-ftp-site-amiga-physik-unizh-ch.z *** franzol has been kicked off channel #hunt by BrunChiId (Stop flooding) *** Mode change "-o BrunChiId" on channel #hunt by C2 *** franzol (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt New-anon-ftp-site-amiga-physik-unizh-ch.z *** Mode change "+o franzol" on channel #hunt by Poncki New-anon-ftp-site-amiga-physik-unizh-ch.z *** Signoff: Forrest_G (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Forrest_G[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: _L00ser_ (Connection reset by peer) quiz master ???????????? quiz master ???????????? *** case (case@seriald11.innotts.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt the recent files are always updated after 10 o clock at night *** Signoff: Troels_ (Killed (bazooka.rutgers.edu (irc.uiuc.edu(Dr_Unix) <- organ.ctr.columbia.edu))) *** Signoff: Dr_Unix (Killed (bazooka.rutgers.edu (irc.uiuc.edu <- organ.ctr.columbia.edu(Troels_)))) New-anon-ftp-site-amiga-physik-unizh-ch.z franzol. I asked for DATE AND TIME. 22:00 19 Jan 1992 22:00 19.01.1992 22:00 19 Jan 1992 22:00 19 Jan 1992 22:00 19 Jan 1992 22:00 19.01.1992 22:00 19.01.1992 22:00 19.01.1992 22:00 19.01.1992 22:00 19 Jan 1992 *** Deadly4s (FDJANCICJ@uek2.uni-lj.si) has joined channel #hunt wrong. 22:00 19 Jan 1992 ;? DATE AND TIME OF POSTING ;) i was first !!!!!!!!! i was first !!!!!!!!! i was first !!!!!!!!! i was 1st !!!!!!!!!!!!!! exact minute? not of the file. what ????????????????? I was third. * Copterr is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved. 22:26 19.01.1992 But it's wrong anyway. *** DrUnix (salim@ has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+i" on channel #hunt by Quizmasteit) *** Mode change "-i" on channel #hunt by Quizmastet) *** _L00ser_ (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o _L00ser_" on channel #hunt by Poncki *** Signoff: _L00ser_ (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (*.sdsc.edu <- irc.iastate.edu))) *** _L00ser_ (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Troels_ (Troels@uit-or9.Uit.No) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o _L00ser_" on channel #hunt by Poncki *** Mode change "+o _L00ser_" on channel #hunt by Poncki *** Mode change "+o _L00ser_" on channel #hunt by Poncki *** Bruner (bruner@galaxy.uci.agh.edu.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o Bruner" on channel #hunt by Poncki *** Reodor2 (rgroneng@ee.umn.edu) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: Deadly4s (Leaving) quiz: 22:26 19.01.1992 22:27 19.01.1992 THIS IS NOT FAIR! sebo: =8*) I want the date INSIDE the article. U4ia: :)) 23:10 20.01.1992 Date: 20 Jan 92 01:17:18 GMT Date: 20 Jan 92 01:17:18 GMT Date: 20 Jan 92 01:17:18 GMT Date: 20 Jan 92 01:17:18 GMT 01:17 19.01.1992 zop: you would. want us to clean your car while we're at it? *** deadly5s (FDJANCICJ@uek2.uni-lj.si) has joined channel #hunt X-Original-Date: 16 Jan 92 00:38:07 GMT *** Mode change "-ooo S0fcik Poncki Sofcik" on channel #hunt by Bruner *** Mode change "-o Bruner" on channel #hunt by franzol *** Mode change "-o Bruner" on channel #hunt by SeB0 *** _NoseyNic (nick@deutz.cimio.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt # Date: Thu Jan 16 00:48:43 GMT 1992 # Date: Thu Jan 16 00:48:43 GMT 1992 # Date: Thu Jan 16 00:48:43 GMT 1992 # Date: Thu Jan 16 00:48:43 GMT 1992 looks like different archives have different dates. i got it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # Date: Thu Jan 16 00:48:43 GMT 1992 # Date: Thu Jan 16 00:48:43 GMT 1992 *** Mode change "+o Sofcik" on channel #hunt by SeB0 OKAY, I DECLARE franzol the WINNER. hahahahhahahahahahahah *** Signoff: __d (EOF From client) *** Bruner has left channel #Hunt :-( wow !!!!!!!!!!!!! HUNT #1 IS OVER. yea !!!!!!!!!!!! hehe franz conz !!!!!!!1!! * Youreck will be away (but listening...) Franz: Congratulations ! time, 10 minutes. *** BluePatch (web@ has joined channel #hunt ok thx ! all Franz : wow !!!!!!!!!!! for coopeartive :) *** master (master@nirvana.franken.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Trontor (tron@lyssa.owl.de) has joined channel #hunt *** cab2 (gybassn@tick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Olli has left channel #hunt *** SaarAG2 (masc@pfslip05.phil.uni-sb.de) has joined channel #hunt *** MFZ (zimmermm@hp817s.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de) has joined channel #hunt *** bckuppeti (simons@unitas.or.uni-bonn.de) has joined channel #hunt *** execbase2 (execbase@rzell.lake.de) has joined channel #hunt *** giz (gizmo@towel.North.DE) has joined channel #hunt :)))))) *** Montglane (D.Eilert@pc101134.dialup.RWTH-Aachen.DE) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "-o bckuppeti" on channel #hunt by franzol *** Mode change "-o Trontor" on channel #hunt by franzolq *** Mode change "+i" on channel #hunt by Sofcikilnt 68060) *** Phalanx (Karl@wade1.ab.umd.edu) has joined channel #hunt Hunt2? HUNT #2 *** Signoff: _L00ser_ (EOF From client) Let's go *** Signoff: d (EOF From client) *** Signoff: q (EOF From client) *** Signoff: _d (EOF From client) *** Signoff: __q (Connection reset by peer) HUNT #2: /DCC SEND ME ONE OF THE THREE OLDEST ARCHIVES ON AMINET. BluePatch: we are trying to find the fastest kick-them-all go on *** Signoff: DrUnix (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (*.bu.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu](Deadly4s)))) Phalanx has pinged everyone in #HUNT. *** Signoff: Troels_ (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Troels_[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: Reodor2 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Reodor2[irc.umn.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: deadly5s (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (deadly5s[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: _NoseyNic (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (_NoseyNic[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: BluePatch (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (BluePatch[*.bu.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: master (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (master[*.bu.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: Trontor (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Trontor[*.bu.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: cab2 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (cab2[*.bu.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: SaarAG2 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (SaarAG2[*.bu.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: MFZ (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (MFZ[*.bu.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: giz (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (giz[*.bu.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) wow *** Signoff: Casper_ (Killed (cs-pub.bu.edu (irc.uiuc.edu <- *.fi[mato.funet.fi]))) * Brunerek *woop* #Hunt Phalanx has pinged everyone in #HUNT. :) ftp.luth.se :-))))))))))))) :-) *** peti (simons@peti.rhein.de) has joined channel #hunt frnaz....heheh.....nie dziekuj Quiz? *** Shadowfox (gl511@appl2.hrz.uni-siegen.de) has joined channel #hunt HUNT #2: /DCC SEND ME ONE OF THE THREE OLDEST ARCHIVES ON AMINET. oh... *** Mode change "-i" on channel #hunt by Quizmastelnt 68060) *** SFX (SFX@appl2.hrz.uni-siegen.de) has joined channel #hunt HUNT #2: /DCC SEND ME ONE OF THE THREE OLDEST ARCHIVES ON AMINET. HUNT #2: /DCC SEND ME ONE OF THE THREE OLDEST ARCHIVES ON AMINET./ HUNT #2: /DCC SEND ME ONE OF THE THREE OLDEST ARCHIVES ON AMINET.dcc send *** bonz (amk@cock.cs.tu-berlin.de) has joined channel #huntQu *** Casper_ (stuart@tomonet.demon.co.uk) has joined channel #huntizmaste *** _NoseyNic (nick@deutz.cimio.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt Thanks. *** Mode change "+o DarkOne" on channel #hunt by Sofcik *** Reodor2 (rgroneng@ee.umn.edu) has joined channel #hunt~/ * Youreck can not understand this crazy game.Private/Import/Aminet/ ureck :))))))))))))))))))) hehehehehehehe bgrep.lha *** execbase (execbase@rzell.lake.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: Casper_ (Killed (ircd.funet.fi (Casper_(?) <- *.bu.edu[cs-pub.bu.edu]))) *** Casper_ (stuart@tomonet.demon.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Welcome to the Aminet Contest! Hunt #2: /DCC Quizmaste one of the three oldest a *** Signoff: execbase2 (Connection reset by peer) HUNT #2: /DCC SEND ME ONE OF THE THREE OLDEST ARCHIVES ON AMINET.

/dcc send Quizmaste ~/Private/Import/Aminet/bgrep.lha *** Signoff: bonz (Killed (cs-pub.bu.edu (*.fi <- *.fi[mato.funet.fi])) *** _L00ser_ (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt * _NoseyNic wouldn't know how to DCC SEND to save his life - didn't realise we had to be IRC experts AS WELL AS aminet experts :-( *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Welcome to the Aminet Contest! Hunt #2: /DCC Quizmaste one of the 3 oldest arcs za *** Signoff: Casper_ (Killed (ircd.funet.fi (*.bu.edu <- *.bu.edu[cs-pub.bu.edu])))master:Request sent Quizzamaster:Request sent WINNER IS FSA *** Casper_ (stuart@tomonet.demon.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt pah *** Trontor (tron@lyssa.owl.de) has joined channel #hunt * Casper_ grabs INDEX. HUNT #2 IS OVER FSA :) buuuuu ueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeY CORRECT ANSWER: bgrep Why won?YYYYYYYYYY Fsa ..u r welcome :) *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Welcome to the Aminet contest!E Quizmaste: i can't understant! explain me it! *** giz (gizmo@towel.North.DE) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: peti (Killed (cs-pub.bu.edu (*.fi <- *.fi[mato.funet.fi]))) Ah well.EEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH FSA, YOU WIN FSA :) *** Troels (Troels@uit-or9.Uit.No) has joined channel #huntQuiam *** MFZ (zimmermm@hp817s.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de) has joined channel #hunzm Next one!!!a *** Mode change "+o S0fcik" on channel #hunt by Sofcik Quizmaste: dupaste: Thanks Quiazmaste: Thanks yureck :)/m Quizmaste *** Mode change "+i+l 68060" on channel #hunt by irc.colorado.eduilnt 68060) youreck :)))))))))) jureck [franzol:marti@kul.lublin.pl] :))))))What *** Mode change "+o Trontor" on channel #hunt by Quizmaster franzol: ;-)I wi *** Mode change "-i" on channel #hunt by DarkOnelnt 68060) *** Mode change "+i" on channel #hunt by Sofcikilnt 68060) *** cab2 (gybassn@tick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "-i" on channel #hunt by Quizmastelnt 68060) *** Mode change "+i" on channel #hunt by Sofcikilnt 68060) Next one!!! *** Mode change "-i" on channel #hunt by Sofciklnt 68060) Next one!!! *sigh* next question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! next question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUNT #3 *** BluePatch (web@ has joined channel #hunt *** master (master@nirvana.franken.de) has joined channel #hunt Yes? Quizmaste: dupa dupa, kupa, gowno.. next question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow whats the question #3 ? hunt #3 !!!! *** Mode change "+pi" on channel #hunt by DarkOneilnpt 68060) wiperdolimy was *** Mode change "-pi" on channel #hunt by DarkOnelnt 68060) * FSA is waiting :-) HUNT #3: CALL ME. (PERSONS WHO'VE CALLED ME BEFORE EXCLUDED FROM THIS ONE) HANGING UP NOW. GIVE UP AFTER 3 MINS SO I CAN GET BACK ON :) [Desynch] Mode '+pi ' on #hunt by DarkOne NO CARRIER *** legoman (legoman@earth.execpc.com) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: Quizmaste (Error 0) That's not fair. heeeeee ? I'm English. this isn't fair?Not fair I casper: hang on'm Franc no way ................. *** case has left channel #hunt Not fair I'm French what ?????? to .ch ?????? no way .................. i'm not on modem !!!!!!!!!! no way .................. i'm not on modem !!!!!!!!!! no way .................. i'm not on modem !!!!!!!!!! no way .................. i'm not on modem !!!!!!!!!! *** Mode change "+i" on channel #hunt by Sofcikilnt 68060) Not fair, i can't understand :-) 01:17 19.01.1992 ureck .. heheh zadzwon do niego ale lamer.....o kurd pierdolony szmaciaz niech tyko przyjdzie od razu killa mu/ hej...zaraz ..winny mi jest nagrde !~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I wuhahah * Casper_ thinks we're not going to get any further than Hunt #3. franz: ola was cieplym moczem... a jak to byl zart ?? a jak to byl zart ?? a jak to byl zart ?? a jak to byl zart ?? Quizmaste: you are crazy, stupid and so on.. !identify PoncjusZ jureck...ale kretyn nie ? no way .................. i'm not on modem !!!!!!!!!! no way .................. i'm not on modem !!!!!!!!!! no way .................. i'm not on modem !!!!!!!!!! Poncki: total idiots *** Mode change "-i" on channel #hunt by S0fciklnt 68060) *** Mode change "+i" on channel #hunt by Sofcikilnt 68060) *** Mode change "-i" on channel #hunt by Sofciklnt 68060) <_NoseyNic> modem is irrelevant. call him VOICE mode. stop making the channel invite czas na killowanie..kanal +i jest..wiec sie ich ..no ...sam wieszphelp how the hell is he supposed to get back on?user fuck witt *** Inviting MGC2 to channel #hunt * Casper_ is not going to ring Australia for a smegging CD. bloody poles./ *** MGC2 (mgc@Tagada.grolier.fr) has joined channel #hunt niosey : from poland ??? r u crazy ???????????? give em a shiney @ badge and look what happens * franzol to....from poland !identify brunerm niosey : from poland ??? r u crazy ???????????? hi all casper: =8*) casper: you could have mine if i could find it :)))))))))) I seem to remember a call program? * Youreck said: hey *** Signoff: Youreck (Leaving) *** MGC2 is now known as MGC [***] No response from irc.put.poznan.pl[], closing link nosey : from poland ??? r u crazy ???????????? *** Topic for #hunt: Welcome to the Aminet contest! *** Casper_ is now known as Casper casper: where you at? he has franzol's price !!!!! i got 1st hunt :))))is pas U4ia: Manchester, England. wow..so we have some piece of world :) casper: aha. bristol meself topic U4ia: :) but Poland is first :) [***] Link with irc.put.poznan.pl[@] established. :) the day poland is first is the day armageddon arrives matey/m MGC * Casper 's grandfather is Polish.@ minutes casper :) *** Quizmaste (umueller@amiga.icu.net.ch) has joined channel #hunt *** MGC has left channel #hunt * U4ia wonders when VD day is coming quizmaster : r u crazy ?? how can i call u from poland ??? quizmaster : r u crazy ?? how can i call u from poland ??? Hurrah! HUNT #3 STILL OPEN quizmaster : r u crazy ?? how can i call u from poland ??? quizmaster leeeeeeeeeee quiz: no wonder. CALL ME ON THE PHONE *** MGC (mgc@Tagada.grolier.fr) has joined channel #huntquizzmaste: Expen resive HINT: MY ADDRESS IS IN csh.doc.... quizzmaste: Expensive.... Quizmaste: From the UK to australia? No thanks... quiz: hunt 3 is not a search *** Signoff: Quizmaste (Error 0) quizmaster : ha ha ha ha ...... casper: he's in switzerland quiz: Hunt 3 is not equal. IOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [Ringing your party again] yea... :) switzerland je byebye quize [Ringing your party again] [Ringing your party again] quizmaste: from poland to Australia ??? argghhhh no way [Ringing your party again] gelo ... change this stupid question or i will break this contest *** Signoff: Casper (Killed (irc.nada.kth.se (irc.nijenrode.nl <- *.bu.edu[hrose@cs-pub.bu.edu]))) *** Reodor (rgroneng@ee.umn.edu) has joined channel #hunt change this stupid question or i will break this contest change this stupid question or i will break this contest change this stupid question or i will break this contest *** peti (simons@peti.rhein.de) has joined channel #hunt *** DrUnix (salim@ has joined channel #hunt *** SaarAG3 (schulze@pfsparc01.phil15.uni-sb.de) has joined channel #hunt *** bonz2 (amk@cock.cs.tu-berlin.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "-o peti" on channel #hunt by franzol *** Mode change "-o DarkOne" on channel #hunt by franzol Hunt#3 is the only one going now and I imagine its done now... hihi *** Signoff: Shadowfox (Killed (cs-pub.bu.edu (*.fi <- *.fi[mato.funet.fi]))) bybye *** Signoff: bckuppeti (Killed (irc.nijenrode.nl (*.se <- *.se[irc.nada.kth.se]))) *** Signoff: cab2 (Killed (irc.nijenrode.nl (*.se <- *.se[irc.nada.kth.se]))) *** Signoff: MFZ (Killed (irc.nijenrode.nl (*.se <- *.se[irc.nada.kth.se]))) *** [master] (master@nirvana.franken.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: Gui (Killed (irc.nijenrode.nl (*.se <- *.se[irc.nada.kth.se]))) *** Shadowfox (gl511@appl2.hrz.uni-siegen.de) has joined channel #hunt hehe *** MFZ (zimmermm@hp817s.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de) has joined channel #hunt hehe *** Phalanx_ (Karl@wade1.ab.umd.edu) has joined channel #hunt *** MFZ is now known as MFZ2 *** Signoff: TheDark (Killed (irc.nijenrode.nl (*.se <- *.se[irc.nada.kth.se]))) Urban Dominik M|ller Schulhausstrasse 83 6312 Steinhausen *** giz95 (gizmo@towel.North.DE) has joined channel #hunt SCHWEIZ *** bckuppeti (simons@unitas.or.uni-bonn.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: ash (Killed (cs-pub.bu.edu (irc.uiuc.edu <- *.se[mumrik.nada.kth.se]))) *** cab2 (gybassn@tick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de) has joined channel #hunt ARRRGGGHHH IRC GURU MEDITATION <_NoseyNic> 5 free Aminet CD *** TheDark (compman@oeonline.com) has joined channel #hunt *** ash2 (ash@desire.apana.org.au) has joined channel #hunt Easy? :-) *** Signoff: bckuppeti (Killed (irc.nada.kth.se (*.bu.edu <- *.bu.edu[hrose@cs-pub.bu.edu]))) *** Signoff: execbase (Killed (irc.nada.kth.se (*.bu.edu <- *.bu.edu[hrose@cs-pub.bu.edu]))) *** Signoff: cab2 (Killed (irc.nada.kth.se (*.bu.edu <- *.bu.edu[hrose@cs-pub.bu.edu]))) *** Signoff: franzol (Killed (amk (no bots on #hunt))) *** Gui2 (jsshephe@math.uwaterloo.ca) has joined channel #hunt *** _SFX_ (SFX@appl2.hrz.uni-siegen.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: C2 (EOF From client) HARD !!!!!!!!!!!!! *** Casper (stuart@tomonet.demon.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt Somebody dial information... *** cab2 (gybassn@tick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: cab2 (Killed (irc.nijenrode.nl (*.se <- *.se[irc.nada.kth.se]))) *** Signoff: _L00ser_ (EOF From client) *** bckuppeti (simons@unitas.or.uni-bonn.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: bckuppeti (Killed (irc.nijenrode.nl (*.se <- *.se[irc.nada.kth.se]))) *** marti (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** cab2 (gybassn@tick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de) has joined channel #hunt *** marti is now known as franzol *** bckuppeti (simons@unitas.or.uni-bonn.de) has joined channel #hunt *** cab2 is now known as cab3 *** bckuppeti is now known as peti sTTTTTTTTTTOOOP *** Quizmaste (umueller@amiga.icu.net.ch) has joined channel #hunt rehi Let's go onto #4.... quiz re quizmaste : change the hunt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! quizmaste : change the hunt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! quizmaste : change the hunt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUNT #3 REMAINS UNSOLVED what with #3 ?? nope ! Quiz: Does it? Wow. quizmaste: #3 was crap. only cos you won't answer *** vodka (hangar@ has joined channel #hunt [Ponc-Kill] amk: SCORE! QUIZMASTER: what was the 3 quizmaster : #3 was not fair .... And bias as we don't live in Australia... *** bonz (amk@cock.cs.tu-berlin.de) has joined channel #hunt hehe amk lamer *** vodka has left channel #hunt quizmaster : i can't call u from poland .... *** Signoff: franzol (Killed (bonz (no war bots))) *** Rolli (o.wagner@lsd.wupper.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Montglane (D.Eilert@pc101134.dialup.RWTH-Aachen.DE) has joined channel #hunt * U4ia grins at urban bonz ??? *** marti (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt HUNT #4 Poncki: yea !!! *** masher (mmaison@macomb.lib.mi.us) has joined channel #hunt *** Mode change "+o DarkOne" on channel #hunt by Sofcik What is the number Fsa ? HUNT #4 *** marti is now known as franzol HUNT #4 #4 quiz: don't i win for that? *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Welcome to the Aminet Contest! Hunt #4: HUNT #4: ON ONE AMINET CD, MY NAME IS MISSPELT. HOW? quizmaster *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Welcome to the Aminet Contest! Hunt #4: On 1 Aminet CD, Quizmaste's name is miss Quizmaster: Quizmaset hey..game is FOR cd's hey..game is FOR cd's hey..game is FOR cd's Quizmaste: Qwizmaster <_NoseyNic> Urban MUller Urban D. Muller ? :-) (without ¨) Arban ? *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Aminet contest! Hunt #4: On 1 Aminet CD, Quizmaste's name is misspelt. How? quiz : Muller muellerta Urban Mahler ? Quizmaste: Urban Mollerrd Myller Urban Meuller quiz: without dots on u ??? quiz : meller chujek jabany who wins ? Urbhan Mueller *** NorthWay2 has left channel #hunt Urban Meuller Mueller hehe *** pam (pamelak@europa.cs.mun.ca) has joined channel #hunt Urban Meeller Muller with : <_NoseyNic> Mueler *** Signoff: stretch (EOF From client) okej...so... hello casper nice guesses :) Urban Mihller quiz: without dots on U ??? Urban Meuler. Urban Maller *** Signoff: TheDark (Killed (irc.nada.kth.se (*.bu.edu <- *.bu.edu[hrose@cs-pub.bu.edu]))) Muler Urban D. Meuller Domink * Rolli ROTFL... Ubran Mueller Miler <_NoseyNic> Urban Shakedown? :-) Minister Miler Urban M5ler. Mxller under mueller ? Urban Domink M|ller Urben D. Meuller DOMInik FSA rigolo ici meler HINT #1: TRY AMINET CD 3. * DarkOne is laughing... /start Permutaion of Urban D. Mueller ;)) quiz: your first name is Urban. MONTGLANE WINS * Casper came here to win Aminet CDs...;) * franzol havent aminet CD ..yet *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Aminet contest! Hunt #4: On 1 Aminet CD (#3), Quizmaste's name is misspelt. How? *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Aminet contest! * Reodor dont have the CD! \rel5M nabrU Urbek Muller *** execbase3 (execbase@rzell.lake.de) has joined channel #hunt MONTGLANE WINS relleuM nabrU *** pam has left channel #hunt :-) *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Aminet contest! Hunt #4: Montglane wins! Domink.. I see... :) * Shadowfox has no Aminet CD 3... ,-) Urban Domink Muller Urban Domink Muller Urban Domink Muller with what? Urban Domink Mueller is actualle PRINTED on Aminet CD 3 hunt #3 !!!!!! but changed !!!!!!!!!! desynch hunt #3 !!!!!! but changed !!!!!!!!!! montglane :) Urdan Dominik M"uller hehe peti hehe Damned.. It is,,, indeed. HUNT #5Go Go okej ok lets party Right. Again, one CD to win.ok ok * Casper waits in anticipation. the LAST HUNT WILL WIN a ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION. :-) To what? what ?wow *** Dr_Sox (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt HUNT #5: WHAT WAS ON TOP OF THE FIRST AMINET CHARTS IN AMIGA REPORT? Is this the last one? Oh crumbs... Quiz: mui23 ! * Casper knows this one... no, #6 will be the last one *** Signoff: SaarAG3 (Leaving) *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Aminet contest! Hunt #5: What was on top of the 1st Aminet Charts in Amy Report? Term! Announces? VT Viruskiller? JFIF datatype! ToolManager chujnia by Yoga ? JFIF datatype! AR chuYnia by Yoga ? ADT MUI 2.3 ! From comp.sys.amiga.announce... AT logo Amiga Ripper quiz: a utility. LHA wrong. *** masher has left channel #hunt zgif Amigareport CED 1.1 CykonB Jude-Nega-Nuker 1.1939 by A.Hitler Umm... Troels: 8-) DMS VT windows 3.0 ? WorkBench Windows-NT ? quiz: DMS ReqTools Linux ! Magic WB MagicWB ! PinBall Dreams ? good guesses. but go find it MGC: *grin* Scorch ? AmigaReport 3.1 ? *** LarZ (mjr@usr4.primenet.com) has joined channel #hunt Jumping JAck ? Hint? Super Frog ????????? more Windows 4.0 ? DP ? JustForBlues.lha HUNT #5: WHAT WAS ON TOP OF THE FIRST AMINET CHARTS IN AMIGA REPORT? PD ? OS/2 AREXX Lamiga Nowel DOS 7.0 HINT #1: ALL AMIGA REPORTS FOUND ON CD 6 CSH Gadtoolsbox * MFZ2 should have installed his CD-ROM :-( NowelDos 7.2 *** LarZ has left channel #hunt Amiga Report? my operating system... *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Aminet contest! Hunt #5: What was on top of the 1st Aminet Charts in Amy Report? :( LiCe 1.3pl1 vchck634 amigaguide vchck634 vchck634 vt_schultz RAPTOR WINS! AmyGUIdemo-1.0.lha ? AMITCP yeahhhh RAPTOR WINS! *** DarkOne has changed the topic on channel #hunt to Aminet contest! Hunt #5: Raptor wins! *** Signoff: _SFX_ (Ping timeout) raptor hehe * peti applouds rapt0r Is there a 6? hehehehe yes fuck i do the french translation Caspar: It is.. Indeed. 6?? rapt0r: You have a quick CD-drive, do you? :-)) re start hunt #3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Up to what? Congratulations, you have found a bug in Lynx Ver. 2.3 BETALeft to go back. If a core file was generated in your directory,=search [delete]=history list quiz: mus say. this is kinda fun. seeing as we never got on . well done. hehehe *** Signoff: execbase3 (Connection reset by peer) NOW FOR THE FINAL ONE * FSA ready hunt #3 again .. but we now call u by internet !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dur dur dur!!! FINAL ONEGO ! GO ! yea FINAL ONE FINAL ONE heja....quiz..i contact u via internet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heja....quiz..i contact u via internet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** execbase4 (execbase@rzell.lake.de) has joined channel #hunt heja....quiz..i contact u via internet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STOP IT!!!!!! hehe heheh its u !!!!!!!!!!!!! Goooooooooooooo! *** peti2 is now known as bckuppeti *** Signoff: S0fcik (*** Mode change -o Sofcik on channel #polska by IRC-client.) i connetc with you !!!! *** Mode change "+o Quizmaste" on channel #hunt by SeB0 maybe I think of a bonus question. okay. *** _SFX_ (SFX@appl2.hrz.uni-siegen.de) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: bonz2 (I walk, I walk alone, into the promised land...) *** Signoff: bckuppeti (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (*.bu.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu])))

GO ! quiz..okej...but remember ..i get contact with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** bckuppeti (simons@unitas.or.uni-bonn.de) has joined channel #hunt *** bckuppeti is now known as peti2 FSA c le souk gogogogogo !!!! quiz: Bonus, Bonus ! *** Signoff: _SFX_ (Killed (bazooka.rutgers.edu (organ.ctr.columbia.edu <- irc.uiuc.edu[](peti2)))) OKAY. THE FINAL QUESTION. *** Signoff: doolittle (Ping timeout) * franzol wants a bonus...for contact via internet !!!!!!!!!!!!! * franzol wants a bonus...for contact via internet !!!!!!!!!!!!! bonuS!!go we want b0nuz.. we want b0nuz.. we want b0nuz.. we want b0nuz.. Phalanx_ has pinged everyone in #HUNT. bonus or die WIN A FREE AMINET CD SUBSCRIPTION

pom pom GO ! c'mon * Casper waits in anticipation. go for it ! /ping quizmaste its a DIFFICULT ONE 1 second. dawaj pytanie. chuju!!!.. ... puk puk but hey, you gotta do something for your money :) juz c'mon ! difficult ??????????????? God is URBAN oh ..no !!!!!!1 cipa! i win ? hehe As long as it's fair. Unlike #3. MGC:Sucker ;-) HUNT #6: THE PRIZE FOR THIS FINAL QUESTION IS A 1 YEAR AMINET CD SUBSCRIPTION. FSA =) *** dzg (danzig@sophocles.algonet.se) has joined channel #hunt <_NoseyNic> or #1, #2, #4 for that matter :-) WHICH FILE ON AMINET CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING STRING: i want prize ?? i won ??? casper..i get contact via internet with him :) 'Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch'? what string ? Quick, before the split. I want EXACTLY that string. quizmaster Csh !!!!!!!!!! <_NoseyNic> adt.c csh.doc il est fou Recent ? the ! csh.doc Hints will follow. csh542.lha xpk docs? ADT 1.3 * MFZ2 tniks. Quizmaste has to rest for a while.. ;))) He has to make up the question. :-) Rolli has pinged everyone in #hunt. Eeck.. Damned. quiz: MOTD csh537 README? :-) 'Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch' ale dsynch CD #1 ? without quotes of course. Rolli has pinged everyone in #hunt. README.BEFORE.UPLOAD? :-) Aminet has died. It's your fault. Over access. ;) *** Signoff: execbase4 (Connection reset by peer) no grep * /aminet *** SaarAG2 (masc@pfslip05.phil.uni-sb.de) has joined channel #hunt =) pix/irc/umueller.readme <_NoseyNic> CHARTS <_NoseyNic> README_BEFORE_UPLOAD adt2.1 no. Is it in an archive? *** exebase6 (execbase@rzell.lake.de) has joined channel #hunt Gif HINT ITS NOT FROM ME Or is it a file? Raw ASCII? Gif of U MUeller Recent ? I DID NOT WRITE THE FILE IN QUESTION. History of Aminet ? File sent by 'HELP FREEBIE' PCStory ? all wrong.:-( :-( Quiz: Repeat the question <_NoseyNic> who_is_the_net_god.txt ??? * WHICH FILE ON AMINET CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING STRING: *** Signoff: dzg (Ping timeout) 'Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch' Microsoft: how to win the trashcan ? IS IT AN ARCHIVE OR RAW ASCII? Rolli has pinged everyone in #hunt. IT IS AN ARCHIVE XPK archive ? <_NoseyNic> AmigaFAQ Aminet Search. aminetfaqpfs95.lha pfs95.lha *** TheDark (compman@oeonline.com) has joined channel #hunt pfffff <_NoseyNic> umueller.jpg found inside archive. pfs95.lha

From France, difficult to consult aminet =) but not written by me. *** Mode change "+l 68060" on channel #hunt by irc.uiuc.edu *rotfl* Who has aminet mirrored at home at decompresses right now? 8))) HINT #1: EVER HEARD OF THE ARC-HANDLER? Lag ? - E/X hehe1 - E/X MFZ soon mb * franzol havent AMIGA :) hehe * Casper searches INDEX. 0dayzWarez.lha Quiz oollllllllld windows31.zip ???????????????????????? <_NoseyNic> ArcM072.lha *** Mode change "+m" on channel #hunt by Quizmastemnt 68060) *** Mode change "-m" on channel #hunt by Quizmastent 68060) xpk25usr.lha

Quiz oollllllllld irc.mimuw.edu.pl is desynched from the IRC Network. quiz: umueller.readme xpk25dev.lha putain *** Signoff: franzol (Leaving)xpk25dev.lha xpk25dev.lha desynch not XPK. not CSH. no Aminet readme file. <_NoseyNic> ARCHandler2_0a.lha <_NoseyNic> util/arc/ARCHandler2_0a.lha *** Brunerek is now known as LWJ88zlY[ *** LWJ88zlY[ is now known as tuJ3UPrrd *** tuJ3UPrrd is now known as CuTiHnOkw *** CuTiHnOkw is now known as {ZZbr9Oo6 *** {ZZbr9Oo6 is now known as Vt[9djKdH *** Vt[9djKdH is now known as mKd2XMegZ *** mKd2XMegZ is now known as D1PnGDLgF It doesn't have a .readme? *** D1PnGDLgF is now known as EOZSFGG-_ *** EOZSFGG-_ is now known as jmBRn3d9G *** jmBRn3d9G is now known as m5FvCK-}o *** m5FvCK-}o is now known as H`XsbRKgp *** H`XsbRKgp is now known as l{k8zlXow j y crois pas *** l{k8zlXow is now known as qhAkNIhHn *** qhAkNIhHn is now known as FaQBPPTA{ *** franzol (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt /util/arc/ARCHandler2_0a.lha *** AmigaFr (Amigafr@colombo.telesys-innov.fr) has joined channel #hunt *** AmigaFr has left channel #hunt *** AmigaFr (Amigafr@colombo.telesys-innov.fr) has joined channel #hunt ARCHandler2_a.lha *** Sofcik has left channel #hunt *** Sofcik (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Quizmaste has left channel #hunt *** Quizmaste (umueller@amiga.icu.net.ch) has joined channel #hunt <_NoseyNic> tar-patched.lzh Hello?1 - E/X ARCHandler2_a.lha quiz <_NoseyNic> util/arc/ARCHandler2_0a.lha ARCHandler2_a.lha op please ARCHandler2_a.lha ARCHandler2_a.lha *** U4ia has left channel #hunt * _NoseyNic got it first Quiz: Nope i was 1st :) ARCHandler is wrong. <_NoseyNic> tar-patched.lzh I wonder whether wuarchive has the user limit full right now. :-) AmiNet index files for sale :-) *** Trontor (tron@lyssa.owl.de) has joined channel #hunt README !!!!! /op trontor sorry. * Casper grabs ARC-Handler. *** Mode change "+o Trontor" on channel #hunt by Sofcik *** Trontor: No such nick/channel umueller.secret.addres.lha ??????????????????????? change.html history.htm HINT #2: TRY THE UTIL/ DIRECTORY ARCHandler is WRONG Q: xpk25dev.lha *** Signoff: Rolli (Client exiting) Quiz : Urban win a lot when a lot of ppl are connected =) * _NoseyNic downloads the entire util/ directory with the "auto-tar" option... yeah, right... aminet.lha *** FaQBPPTA{ is now known as Bruner ABCDir.lha xPackGauge.lha *** Bruner is now known as Bruner`s <_NoseyNic> XFH1_39.lha * gelo is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved. HINT #3: IT'S ALSO ON AMINET 6 BrowserII_v3.lha *** doolittle (laurent@port28.iprolink.ch) has joined channel #hunt *** Reodor2 (rgroneng@ee.umn.edu) has joined channel #hunt XFH1_39.lha So it's new. Ish. CmprDisk19B.lha CmprDisk19B.readme SoftCode.lha SoftCode.readme xpkMASH-r4.lha xpkMASH-r4.readme xpk25dev.lha xpkDisk37_8c.lha xpkDisk37_8c.readme shorten1_22.lha shorten1_22.readme *** Signoff: giz95 (Connection reset by peer) ADPCM_Package.readme xpkPWPK093.readme xpkRLENasm.lha xpkRLENasm.readme PackXv1.2.lha MGC, I want FULL file name XFH1_39.lha *** Signoff: MGC (EOF From client) <_NoseyNic> lha handler *** MGC (mgc@Tagada.grolier.fr) has joined channel #hunt Q: PackDisk11.lha sorry =) IE file name INSIDE ARCHIVE4 *** giz (gizmo@towel.North.DE) has joined channel #hunt and NO, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH XPK jfif_dtc.lha Util/arc/PackDisk11.lha *** giz is now known as giz95 ObjectArchive.lha *** Reodor2 is now known as Reodor3 *** Signoff: Phalanx_ (Killed (irc.sdsc.edu (irc.uiuc.edu <- *.bu.edu[unknown@cs-pub.bu.edu]))) *** Signoff: Trontor (Killed (cs-pub.bu.edu (*.fi <- *.sdsc.edu[]))) hehe WHICH FILE ON AMINET CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING STRING: nice Another clue? 'Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch' Quit: XFHpack? *.readme ? Quiz: MOTD HINT #1: EVER HEARD OF THE ARC-HANDLER? *** Trontor (tron@lyssa.owl.de) has joined channel #hunt Another clue? HINT #2: TRY THE UTIL/ DIRECTORY HINT #3: IT'S ALSO ON AMINET 6 mget * =) HINT #4: UTIL/PACK IS THE PLACE TO CHECK * Casper is stumped. bingo quit 116 kb ?? *** Mode change "+l 68060" on channel #hunt by eff.org *** stretch (stretch@bud.indirect.com) has joined channel #hunt shit are ur creazy ? arrrgh no lha util/pack/xpkDisk37_8c.lha ? bouuuuuuh xpkRLENAsm.doc *** Signoff: dugdale (Leaving) who can send me lha bin for sunos3 ? =)) Help.info ?????????????????????? xpkNUKE.doc 'Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch' Scripts.info ? Which string contains this english.info ?????????????????????? remember HINT #1 Install.info ? ARCHandler.info ? oops. which file contains this I mean. ARCHandler.txt.info ? ARCHandler.txt ? I want the archive name, and the name inside the archive. ARCHandler/ARCHandler.info Connected to ftp.cnam.fr. 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection ARCHandler/Install.info ITS NOT ARCHANDLER25 who crash the french site =))) FTP xloadseg.doc in xpk25usr.lha FTP QUICK!!! ARCHandler/english.info but use archandler to find it! xloadseg.doc in xpk25usr.lha ARCHandler/ARCHandler.txt *** Signoff: Montglane (Connection timed out) ARCHandler/ARCHandler.txt *** DarkOne (gray@ has joined channel #hunt xloadseg.doc in xpk25usr.lha *** arma (ma@moon.ph-cip.Uni-Koeln.DE) has joined channel #hunt * peti sighs *** Signoff: exebase6 (Connecting to new server) *** exebase6 (execbase@rzell.lake.de) has joined channel #hunt Do we need Aminet CD6? *** dugdale (dugdale@ppp.ludd.luth.se) has joined channel #hunt ARCHandler/Remove.info ARCHandler/Remove xloadseg.doc (xpk25usr.lha) xloadseg.doc (xpk25usr.lha) execbase: execbase is at 4. :-)) xloadseg.doc in xpk25usr.lha Quizz: Not that ? xloadseg.doc (xpk25usr.lha) xloadseg.doc (xpk25usr.lha) ARCHandler/ARCHandler.txt xloadseg.doc in xpk25usr.lha ARCHandler/ARCHandler.txt.info ?????????????? xloadseg.doc in xpk25usr.lha xloadseg.doc in xpk25usr.lha FINAL HINT xloadseg.doc (xpk25usr.lha) xloadseg.doc (xpk25usr.lha) *** DarkOne_ (gray@ has joined channel #hunt ARCHandler/Install Look at util/pack/gzip124x2.lha ARCHandler/Install.txt Artic1_7.lha ? *** Signoff: doolittle (Ping timeout) msg quizmaste util/pack/gzip124x2.lha: gzip124x2/THANKS? THANKS COPYING THANKS Thanks NEWS saar, WINS probably README README README.AMI <_NoseyNic> gzip124x2/THANKS:Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.chgzip.doc gzip.doc heh let me check that claim about xloadseg.doc * peti happens to find it funny, that SaarAG wins a CD-Rom. :-) *** Phalanx_ (Karl@wade1.ab.umd.edu) has joined channel #hunt thanks *** Mode change "+l 68060" on channel #hunt by irc.colorado.edu THANKS:Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch *** pitas (vand0203@maroonx.tc.umn.edu) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: DarkOne (Killed (irc.sdsc.edu (*.bu.edu <- irc.uiuc.edu[unknown@]))) peti: :) *** mroth (mroth@inlet.lake.de) has joined channel #hunt have to verify xloadseg.doc.... gimme a minute. hi everyonne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch *** bonz has left channel #hunt *** triode (eberger@monami.psc.edu) has joined channel #hunt # grep uniz * THANKS:Urban D Mueller umueller@amiga.physik.unizh.ch THANKS (line 183) mgc *** pitas has left channel #hunt *** Signoff: _NoseyNic (silly questions anyway... :-|) * MFZ2 koennte nu auch nchma THANKS sagen.. ;)) (extracting) *** DarkOne_ is now known as DarkOne *** Signoff: DarkOne (Connecting to new server) no, string does not occur in xloadseg.doc :-( gzip124x2.lha file THANKS THE WINNER IS SaarAG *** doolittle (Laurent@port28.iprolink.ch) has joined channel #hunt *** DarkOne_ (gray@ has joined channel #hunt gzip124x2.lha: THANKS line 183 [SaarAG2:masc@phil.uni-sb.de] sorry :-) *** mroth has left channel #hunt *** DarkOne_ is now known as DarkOne hihi *** Reodor3 is now known as Reodor4 *** Signoff: Troels (Bye bye y'all.) quizmaster : what with contest3 ??? maybe we try to get u via internet ??????? *rotfl* * MFZ2 thinks. Quiz is slightly lagged fromon here.. i get to quiz master via internet ! *** Montglane (D.Eilert@pc101134.dialup.RWTH-Aachen.DE) has joined channel #hunt okay :) *** Signoff: JTorin (I'm on to a freebee CD anyway... :)) *** Signoff: Reodor4 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (irc.umn.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) let's see if I can come up with a bonus question So is it over? *** stretch (stretch@bud.indirect.com) has joined channel #hunt ....for the one that no one could answer. Quizmaster: Let's try hunt #3 again. :-) Hurry up, my tea is getting cold. *** Signoff: stretch (Killed (irc-2.mit.edu (stretch <- irc.uiuc.edu[]))) peti: oh no... ;-) i get to quiz master via internet ! Please? [Connection closing. Exiting] [Connection established] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STOP IT hehehehe it was mine ;) i've got him !!!! #3 !!!!!!!!!! *** Reodor4 (rgroneng@ee.umn.edu) has joined channel #hunt *** Reodor4 is now known as Reodor5 NETSPLITS MADE THIS SUCK, WE SHOULS BE ON ARCNET, AN ALL AMIGA NETWORL *** Signoff: Sofcik (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Sofcik[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) heehe *** Signoff: Phalanx_ (AMIRC exiting (It is not Grapevine)) *** Sofcik (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt * Casper 's tea is cold. :((( *** Sofcik is now known as sofcik_3 where is #3 ?? *** sofcik_ is now known as Sofcik_ *** Signoff: Reodor5 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Reodor5[irc.umn.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: Sofcik_ (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Sofcik_[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Sofcik_ (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Sofcik_ is now known as dskvnrelk Hurry up Urban. My tea is cold. *** dskvnrelk is now known as wqetyf *** wqetyf is now known as sofcik *** sofcik is now known as Sofcik *** reodor6 (rgroneng@ee.umn.edu) has joined channel #hunt Caspar: If it is cold already, there is no reason, to hurry up ;)) Come on, it's not that hard is it? *** Signoff: Sofcik (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Sofcik[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Sofcik (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel # Capser: then put some ice in it and you have a nice ice-tea.. ;-) wow..hunt 4 sofcik Urban we are still waiting ! *** Sofcik is now known as Sofcik2 *** Sofcik2 is now known as S0fc1k okay *** Signoff: reodor6 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (reodor6[irc.umn.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@])))GO GO *** RobR (rcr@netcom8.netcom.com) has joined channel #hunt Shadowfox: Sorry, Manchester slang, Dinner is ready. heres THE LAST ONE Okay. *** exebase6 is now known as execbase Quick. * FSA waits * MGC laag PRIZE: A SINGLE AMINET CD. Capser: :)ok ok

ok *** Signoff: S0fc1k (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (S0fc1k[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) *** Signoff: RobR (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (RobR[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) ok *** S0fc1k (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt No, dalej ! *** S0fc1k is now known as Sofcik3 C'mon And? *** Signoff: execbase (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (execbase[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) NAME THE FILE WITH THE UPLOAD DATE Apr 19 23:55 *** stretch1 (stretch@bud.indirect.com) has joined channel #hunt Szybko, bo nie wytrzymam ! *** RobR (rcr@netcom8.netcom.com) has joined channel #hunt ftp ftp.cnam.fr Connected to ftp.cnam.fr. 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection *** reodor6 (rgroneng@ee.umn.edu) has joined channel fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck *** execbase (execbase@rzell.lake.de) has joined channel #hunt mgc, lots of other servers... try ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk Upload-date? Wo zum Henker, bekomme ich den das nu wieder her :-(( Quiz too late i think BONUS HUNT: NAME THE FILE WITH THE UPLOAD DATE Apr 19 23:55 =) Why are you at hunt 3 again ? Did I miss something ? MFZ, its the file date of the archive... montglane, no one solved #3, so here is a bonus hunt *** BrunChiId has left channel #hunt *** Bruner`s has left channel #Hunt *** Signoff: triode (Golden Tubes, faintly glow... [Blondie: Parallel Lines]) *** Signoff: stretch1 (Leaving) which year? quiz_ Yeah.. But therefore I need the ls -l... this year. on which site ? the date is not the same ? all sites. =))) HINT #1: AGAIN, IT'S IN THE UTIL/ DIRECTORY *** Signoff: Sofcik34 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Sofcik34[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) #?.lha and #?.readme *** Sofcik34 (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt not found *** Sofcik34 is now known as dhbfhed *** Byter (BYTER@ac025.pool.dircon.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: Byter (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (*.sdsc.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) * Casper scans INDEX> * franzol is away - Automatically set away. - messages will be saved. DreamWeb

EMP_IconGfx_1 archandler20a GetVolumeName.lha RAPTOR WINS AGAIN! ARCHandler2_0a.lha ARCHandler2_0a.lha that one was close :) -rw-rw-r-- 1 Amiga 1706 118427 Apr 19 22:55 ARCHandler2_0a.lha Trick question! fuq !!!!!! d 22:55 ! ;) its bug !!!! ARCHandler2_0a.lha and the readme file to it :) hey over !!!!!!!!!!!!! not ..! * Casper is going now anyway. Byee!!!! its not good !!!!!!!!!!! rator was a LITTLE bit faster than you all. yeahhh franz =)) quiz ..nope /..u say 23:55 yep but its 22:55 ! quizmaster that was 22:55 not 23:55 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! check it out ! fuck it s true ABCDir.lha uea... I'm SORRY HAHAHAHAHAHA fuq !!!!! raptor did not care about the cases or the _ in the name :) this happens when I improvise quizmaster that was 22:55 not 23:55 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! quizmaster that was 22:55 not 23:55 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! quizmaster that was 22:55 not 23:55 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! quizmaster that was 22:55 not 23:55 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! dhbfhed: Timezone problem. TIME ZONES! heh *** byter (BYTER@ac025.pool.dircon.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt lame ! lamer *** Signoff: byter (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (byter[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) Sorry about that. raptor was in a hurry ok *** dhbfhed is now known as Sofcik *** Signoff: Sofcik (Killed (bazooka.rutgers.edu (irc.uiuc.edu <- organ.ctr.columbia.edu(byter)))) the question was invalid. yea. ! doh *** Signoff: Dr_Sox (EOF From client) raptor, sorry. but you already won a CD *** Sofcik (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt So is there another? *** Dr_Sox (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt just because i allready won OK, thinking of a BONUS BONUS question :) Quiz: it was ARCHandler2_0.lha not archandler20a (that is a different file in UNIX world :) quiz...fuq... shut up :) wuahahaha Quiz: Ok, hurry up!!!Go on Go on Let'a raptor make the bonus question ...If Quick!!! nope....think slowly ! *** Qube (A1200@ns.anadolu.edu.tr) has joined channel #huntn he gives his CD to MGC *** Signoff: Qube (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (*.sdsc.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) If FSA wins again he gives his CD to MGC My dinners in the dog. *** Signoff: arma (Leaving) FSA Smack =) * franzol has returned. Quick!!! Quick!!! Quick!!! Quick!!! Quick!!! Typo. sorry. :-/ Casper good tea, bye *** Signoff: Sofcik (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (dskvnrelk(?) <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) *** Signoff: Dr_Sox (EOF From client) okay I got a good one *** Sofcik (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #huntGO ! GO ! *** Signoff: DarkOne (Killed (organ.ctr.columbia.edu (*.rutgers.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) *** Dr_Sox (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt BONUS BONUS HUNT *** Sofcik is now known as Sofcik243 go Quick then! yeah *** DarkOne (gray@ has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: Sofcik243 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (*.sdsc.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) *** Sofcik243 (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt HOW MANY FILES ARE IN THE WUARCHIVE INDEX RIGHT NOW? Quick then! *** Sofcik243 is now known as satgdtyw *** Signoff: DarkOne (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (DarkOne[irc.colorado.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) HOW MANY FILES ARE IN THE WUARCHIVE INDEX RIGHT NOW? 20000 *** Signoff: RobR (EOF From client) *** Signoff: satgdtyw (Killed (cs-pub.bu.edu (satgdtyw(?) <- *.se[mumrik.nada.kth.se]))) *** satgdtyw (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt 200000 20000 HOW MANY FILES ARE IN THE WUARCHIVE INDEX RIGHT NOW? *** satgdtyw is now known as Sofcik2 *** DarkOne (gray@ has joined channel #hunt 20000 exact number. 20000 20000 20000 *** satgdtyw is now known as Sofcik2 exsactly? [-P=R-> satgdtyw (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) - Join ==> #hunt *** Signoff: Sofcik2 (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (Sofcik2[*.sdsc.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) [-P=R-> satgdtyw (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) - Join ==> #hunt This is getting a LITTLE bit annoying... Quizmaster: much ;-) quit: 20010 *** Signoff: Dr_Sox (EOF From client) *** Sofcik2 (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt *** Sofcik2 is now known as ewdhevfbh 19GB *** Signoff: DarkOne (Killed (bazooka.rutgers.edu (DarkOne[organ.ctr.columbia.edu] != irc.uiuc.edu[@]))) 20001 20123 quiz: 20010 *** DarkOne (gray@ has joined channel #hunt reo, number of files. not size 20020 quiz: 20110 quiz: One min.... 20030 wrong... 20111 wrond HOW MANY FILES ARE IN THE WUARCHIVE INDEX RIGHT NOW? wrong quiz: 19397 20124 20125 Maybe I'll stick around this time... Sheesh! 200653 20126 wrong 200Showing: 6743/6743 All files by dir Page: 1/450 20653 Showing: 6743/6743 All files by dir Page: 1/450 *** Byter (BYTER@ac025.pool.dircon.co.uk) has joined channel #hunt hehe goood cnam 20136 wrong.6 * SeB0 is away - has just fallen asleep on the keyboard (ZZZzzzZZZzzz) - write something fun. 38794 (with *.readme) *** Dr_Sox (poncjusz@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt 16225 16225 16223 Col 1 8:26 Ctrl-K H for help 16225 16225 16225 *** ewdhevfbh is now known as Sofcik 43 16225 wrong. 16225 19419 16223 Col 1 8:26 Ctrl-K H for help 16223 Col 1 8:26 Ctrl-K H for help 16223 Col 1 8:26 Ctrl-K H for help 16223 Col 1 8:26 Ctrl-K H for help 20652 19419 19419 19419 *** Signoff: DarkOne (Killed (bazooka.rutgers.edu (DarkOne(?) <- irc.uiuc.edu[]))) wrong ???????????? nope ! 20156 chuja wrong I say WUARCHIVE 20100 20156 it is imposible to say exactly! u see the amount of files changes during one file count :) (espesialy including temp files) 20651 20101 400000 100000 20102 2010 WUARCHIVE is slow as hell. 20103 *** DarkOne_ (gray@ has joined channel #hunt7PM FSA (+is) (A) #hunt (+lnt 68060) M:216 Lag ? - E/X E/X Connected to wuarchive.wustl.edu. *** Signoff: DarkOne_ (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (irc.colorado.edu <- *.rutgers.edu[bazooka.rutgers.edu]))) canot conect to wu! * Poncki is away --==>>[ auto-killing in progres ]<<==-- saving ALL messages! 20254 *** arma (ma@moon.ph-cip.Uni-Koeln.DE) has joined channel #hunt hmmm 200000 70000 78648536 26239149 20013 20254 <[master]> > Sorry, there are too many anonymous FTP users using the system at this8PM FSA (+is) (A) #hunt (+lnt 68060) M:216 Lag ? - E/X E/X <[master]> > time. Please try again in a few minutes. 14688467 <[master]> :) 24637 27353151 <[master]> no wonder 87031913 casper, CLOSE 96813281 17121525 ls -l I* 98648137 23347375 74473593 20255 89407497 20256 20???1 20253 83886243 20253 20252 20251 20253 20252 calculation file: ls -lr of wuarchive -a small nr for header +++ 27328767 28598299 71565351 89219235 20260 91299861 6172 20251 85016793 20250 29425907 20248 2?????? 20249 20270 20252 81805561 20248 20251 20180 *** DarkOne_ (gray@ has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: Sofcik (Killed (bazooka.rutgers.edu (irc.uiuc.edu <- irc.uiuc.edu[](hhgkhjrek)))) 20264 20250 What is the question?? 20259 for (i=20000; i <=30000; i++) printf("%ld\n"); 20264 20257 *** Sofcik (sofcik@ajax.umcs.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt 20263 20257 20262 20261 Showing: 19397/19397 All files by dir Page: 1/1294 20263 20220 20259 20260 *** Sofcik is now known as S0fc1k 20275 20270 20271 20272 20261 20262 20264 20278 ? 20280 20280 20290 not aminet ! wuarchiwe 20291 20280 20212 20300 mutsh biger than aminets about 20000 Byter: Check the topic. 203182 *** Signoff: DarkOne_ (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (DarkOne_[irc.colorado.edu] != *.rutgers.edu[@]))) 203181 20235 20276 20099 cd aminet 20498 20498 20498 20498 20498 20497 Whoops. 20281 20282 20652> 20497 20497 20497 20497 20498 20497 20497 20497 20497 20497 20497 20497 20497 20497 20497 20496 20497 20450 sof Go home ! Quiz:20652 quiz !!!!!!!!!!! 20497 20497 20497 franzol wins MGC : why ??? 20498 or 20497 !! yues !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yep H I N T!!!!!!!!! H I N T!!!!!!!!! H I N T!!!!!!!!! H I N T!!!!!!!!! heh 20497. hehehehe 20283 yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Downloading info/adt/ADT_RECENT_7.Z, 2K (0.100 Kbyte/s)Quizz: =) cool this games for not americans (unless I've overlooked someone) (it was quite messy) yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh yea ! :( Quizz:How do you explain that netnet index has more files ? Poland WINs :) So who won? anyone said 02497 before franzol? Lublin wins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quizz:How do you explain that netnet index has more files ? UMCS wins ! nope quizmaster nope !!!!!!!!!!1 20312 THis is fun 28284 20284 *** Signoff: arma (Leaving) 20222 ok. nobody. Sala 137 wins ! * Casper can't remember. giz....2497 !! FSA and luth less ok :) * Casper is going. nice !!! franzol wins 2 CD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *** Signoff: Casper (Casper slips through the roof.) oh yea.. in fact, only the ppl who can reach wustl can win and bonus to get Ubran via internet !!! KMSK wygralo !!!!!!!!!!!! fsa, a lot of file get deleted. old versions. In fact Franzol doesn't have amiga ... hahahahahahahaha *** arma (ma@moon.ph-cip.Uni-Koeln.DE) has joined channel #hunt 20189 20245 20174 20497 maybe netnet has failed to delete some 42 :-) 20420 Trontor WINS! :-) 90210 Quizz:OK * giz95 uploads 100 files to wuarchive :-> Some servers are seriously lagging. :- * FSA didn't know that franzol is a pc user :))))))))))))))) hehe :) hehhehe Linux user :) winner is franzol, as far as I could see. kill him !!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))))))))))) (again :) quiz ...yea :) kill * franzol win 2 HUNTs :) peti2: Some servers are lightyears behind. :-( *** Montglane has left channel #hunt *** Montglane (D.Eilert@pc101134.dialup.RWTH-Aachen.DE) has joined channel #hunt quizmaster : 2 cds for franzol !!!!!1 Trontor: Think positive. Some are lightyears ahead. :-)) Good old times...(tm) and bonus to get Ubran via internet !!! Franzol has opened Naleczowianka ! 20250 argh. 20650 20254 + x (x aus -200 ... +200) ? quiz...im right :) Downloading info/adt/ADT_AMINET.Z, 14K (0.300 Kbyte/s) It was to sacrify the double victory with luck in 2010 it wil be finished 20649 WINNERS: please email me your snail addresses. mgc !!! franzol: one question, if u don't have an amiga, what use will u have of 2 Aminet CDs??? monglane : 20497 is the right answer :))):-) MGC: :-) dug :) i have friends :) and ..got CD ..in pc *** DarkOne (gray@ has joined channel #hunt *** Signoff: DarkOne (Connecting to new server) * Gui2 is getting the INDEX now... yooooupi why oh why did u have 2 say 23 instead of 22 :((((((((((( TELL ME WHICH CD YOU WANT. Downloading info/adt/ADT_AMINET.Z, 15K (0.100 Kbyte/s) why oh why did u have 2 say 23 instead of 22 :((((((((((( why oh why did u have 2 say 23 instead of 22 :((((((((((( 1 k more on a 2MB *** Signoff: MFZ2 (Leaving) coool franzol, how come you know your way around Aminet so well? *** Signoff: cab3 (Leaving) my email is umueller@amiga.icu.net.ch waiting for K 16 its less then 20500 ? quizmaster : they have friends :)))) SaarAG2 : 20497 !!!!!!!!!!!!! Quiz if i mmail you, you can send me index ? =)))) saarag, you lagged or what? :) * peti lights a cigarette and tells his girl-friend that he won't be able to go out tonight. :-) *** #hunt: Cannot send to channel-------what is this???? quizmaster : what with #3 ??? :)))) quiz..hehe i know internet Quizmaster : say who won the hunts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s0f, replaced by the bonus one. moze mu account shackowac... * SaarAG2 says: *** 20497 *** franz, obviously. quizmaster: ok :))))))) to repeat: quiz..and if u say index of wuarchie..i try mirror at src.doc.ic.ac.uk :) HUNT #1: FRANZOL *** DarkOne (gray@ has joined channel #hunt ehhe.,.....niespodzianke "grubera" HUNT #2: FSA bravo FSA =) HUNT #3: montglane * DarkOne sighs albo ten INDEX co chcial w .login uhnt #3 ?? Quizmaste: Execbase HUNT #4: invalid *** angeleque (auser@phome.isone.com) has joined channel #hunt *** angeleque has left channel #hunt HUNT #5: Rapt0r quizmaster : hunt 3 invalid . who is invalid ? =) HUNT #6: SaarAG *** Reodor7 (rgroneng@ee.umn.edu) has joined channel #hunt7PM FSA (+is) (A) #hunt (+lnt 68060) M:216 Lag ? - E/X E/X *** Reodor7 is now known as Reod *** Signoff: Montglane (Connection timed out) *** Signoff: Dr_Sox (EOF From client) and #7 ??? BONUS HUNT: franzol *** MGC is now known as SaarAG oh..bonus :):-) my address is ... =)) *** SaarAG is now known as MGC Quiz: if I download the 47MB ls -lr file and counts the lines in it. I'l be there! (But I dont do that!) What is the question?? Lublin destroy all the world :) poncki : killa im ???? Tip your waitresses and GOOD NIGHT! Downloading info/adt/ADT_AMINET.Z, 87K (0.200 Kbyte/s)t Quizz: Good night why oh why did u have 2 say 23 instead of 22 :((((((((((( *** Trontor has left channel #hunt why oh why did u have 2 say 23 instead of 22 :((((((((((( *** Signoff: arma (Leaving) bye quizz mgc !!! why oh why did u have 2 say 23 instead of 22 :(((((((((((+ why oh why did u have 2 say 23 instead of 22 :((((((((((( mcg : :)))))))))))))))))))))) *** Quizmaste has left channel #hunt *** Signoff: Copterr (I'm outta here!) i can give it u via dcc Zop: ciao... *** Signoff: dugdale (Leaving) bye zop :) *** arma (ma@moon.ph-cip.Uni-Koeln.DE) has joined channel #hunt MGC:J'ai logue tout ca. Je poste sur la ML ? zop: cioa *** Signoff: Gui2 (Leaving) *** Reod is now known as Reodo okej Re :) *** franzol has left channel #hunt *** franzol (marti@posejdon.kul.lublin.pl) has joined channel #hunt over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya folks